As I sit here enjoying the snowy view from our window (notice I said from our window) my mind goes to my To Do Today List. Since we do attend estate sales fairly frequently I have some treasures to get listed so our buyers can have a look. Here a few of our finds.
Vintage Brass Perfume bottle decanter. |
We are always on the lookout for vintage Perfume Bottles. This one is brass with a floral design and a pearlized inner shell. The dobber is intact as is the perfume holder. This beautiful vintage perfume bottle is very functional. Happy to find this.
Handcarved Wood Ducks |
Hubby is always on the look out for wood ducks or decoys. These ducks are handcarved and superbly painted. If I can talk him into letting these go we will get these listed for our buyers. Right now they are part of our decor.
Vintage Pyrex Carafe |
I really like vintage kitchenware so when I spotted this Pyrex carafe with a metal warmer stand I just had to have it! It is in wonderful condition. Sometimes if you are the only one at an estate sale looking for kitchenware you can come up with some nice finds at fairly reasonable prices. We have a very good friend that also attends sales that we like so we try not to sit by him because he also likes many of the same type of items as we do. We prefer not to bid against him out of courtesy but if he sits somewhere we cannot see him then we bid more comfortably and come up with some very special finds.
Well, that is about it for now. If I do not get started soon this day will be gone. Seems the older I get the faster time flies. Enjoy every minute and learn from every mistake. Until later . . . . .
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